Hier een leeslijst gesorteerd op onderwerp.
Democratisch Confederalisme
- Öcalan, A. (2010). Oorlog en vrede in Koerdistan: perspectieven voor een politieke oplossing in Koerdistan.
- Öcalan, A. (2022). Beyond state, power, and violence.
Ex-moslims en apostasie
- Verbond van Nederlandse Ex-moslims. (2024). Manifesto of the League of Dutch Ex-muslims.
Islam, gender en seksualiteit
- Advocates for Youth. (2018) I Am Muslim And I Might Not Be Straight: A Resource For Lgbtq+ Muslim Youth.
- Atshan, S. (2020). Queer Palestine and the Empire of critique.
- Calderini, S. (2020). Women as imams: Classical Islamic Sources and Modern Debates on Leading Prayer.
- De Sondy, A. (2013). The crisis of Islamic masculinities.
- Dibi, T. (2015). Djinn.
- Eltahawy, M. (2015). Headscarves and hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution.
- Jagiella, L. (2021). Among the eunuchs: A Muslim Transgender Journey.
- Khalid, M. (2020). Queer Muslim Futures: A Collection of Visions, Utopias and Dreams.
- Kugle, S. S. A. (2010). Homosexuality in Islam: Critical Reflection on Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims.
- Myrne, P. (2019). Female sexuality in the early medieval Islamic world: Gender and Sex in Arabic Literature.
- MUQTI. (2021). Love Notes from the Holy Month.
- Ozyegin, P. G. (2015). Gender and sexuality in Muslim cultures.
- Savci, E. (2020). Queer in translation: Sexual Politics under Neoliberal Islam.
- Shaikh, S. (2012). Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn ’Arabī, Gender, and Sexuality.
- Thobani, S. (2020). Contesting Islam, constructing race and sexuality: The Inordinate Desire of the West.
- Abduh, M. (1966). The theology of unity.
Know your enemy
Religieus reactionisme
- Qutb, S. (1985). In the Shade of the Qur’an.